Our cases

Housing Associations

Taastrupgaard 85

AKB's Taastrupgaard 85 (test block 1/29)

As residents of AKB's Taastrupgaard return to their newly renovated apartments in Block 85*, the first of 30 blocks undergoing a major transformation, they will encounter a range of green technologies, including a 10 kW flow battery from VisBlue equipped with SMARTflow. This intelligent management system uses internal and external data to ensure the battery works intelligently with Taastrupgaard's other green technologies.

*Block 85 has been designated as the test block, and the experiences and project materials from this will form the foundation for the realization of the remaining 29 blocks and the area as part of the overall master plan for Taastrupgaard.

Climate and environment have played a central role in the transformation of Taastrupgaard, where energy renovation, including proper management of energy, water, and heat, has been a key focus. This means that the solar panels installed seven years ago are now complemented by various other energy-efficient measures, including energy storage in VisBlue flow batteries, PVT panels for electricity and water production, chemical-free water treatment, local rainwater management, and more.

Together, these will help write a new, green chapter in Taastrupgaard's history—a history where people, animals, and plants live in sustainable communities with each other.

"The whole focus of the project has been on how we manage our energy, water, and heat to benefit the climate in every way possible."
"With the funding from the National Building Fund, we have been able to expand the perspective of energy renovations as much as possible for public housing."

Michael Riis Nyrand, Property Manager at AKB, Taastrup

SMARTflow Knows Your Consumption Patterns, the Weather, and Prices Tomorrow

VisBlue's contribution to the project is a 10 kW/100 kWh flow battery with integrated SMARTflow. This intelligent management tool ensures that the green technologies in Block 85's overall energy system work intelligently with the battery.

"By storing excess energy in the flow battery, we will use our energy much more efficiently."

Michael Riis Nyrand, Property Manager at AKB, Taastrup.

"With SMARTflow, we move from manual control to intelligent management of our overall energy system, which can predict prices and the weather," says Michael Riis Nyrand.

This will reduce Taastrupgaard's annual energy consumption by approximately 17,000 kWh, equivalent to an annual CO2 saving of about 7 tons for Block 85 alone. A result that will positively impact both the housing association's economic and environmental accounts.

This is only the beginning. In August, the renovation of the neighboring Block 84 will begin. Like the remaining 27 blocks, it is set to undergo the same renovation. If all goes as planned, by 2030, all 30 blocks will have been renovated. If the renovation continues to focus on climate and environment, there could be savings of a completely different magnitude, amounting to 510,000 kWh and 210 tons of CO2.

"We have high expectations for this. That's why we've already replaced the main meters with sub-meters in the other 29 blocks, so they are ready to have flow batteries installed."

Michael Riis Nyrand

At VisBlue, there is excitement about the collaboration with AKB, Taastrup, convinced that other housing associations and cooperatives will be inspired by the project.

"It is a pleasure to work on a project of this magnitude that truly has the potential to make a difference for the climate and environment," says Søren Bødker, CEO and co-founder of the battery company VisBlue. "It's the right mindset, and we look forward to continued collaboration with AKB, Taastrup, and hope that other departments will follow suit."