
Mocca Master, Denmark

How Do You Like Your Coffee?

At Moccamaster Nordic, there's only one right answer, and it's green.

"We want to be green."

This is the statement from Country Manager Ole Andersen, who explains why they have chosen to invest in a VisBlue flow battery for the company's Nordic warehouse in Næstved, Denmark.

"We all need to be greener and more self-sufficient. The fact is, however, that our coffee machines need electricity. Therefore, we must do what we can, where we can."

"We are pleased that a well-known brand like Moccamaster Nordic has chosen VisBlue as a partner in their green transition," says VisBlue CEO Søren Bødker, adding, "We need a lot of will and ambitious initiatives like these if we are to achieve the necessary goals of CO2 neutrality. Therefore, it is also immensely important that well-known brands like Moccamaster Nordic dare to take the lead in the transition," says Søren Bødker.

When Moccamaster Nordic decided to make the investment required to become green and self-sufficient, it was because they are looking at the long term.

"We are a high-end brand. Therefore, we must do something extraordinary," says Ole Andersen, who is happy to showcase their flow battery to interested parties.

Moccamaster facts